Jane Thistlethwaite Arts Travel Bursary
Jane Thistlethwaite Arts Travel Bursary
Purpose of the Fund
The Jane Thistlethwaite Arts Travel Bursary is managed by The Friends of the Norwich Museums and has been established to provide financial assistance to support research and development in the historical and contemporary visual arts, which is of relevance and benefit to Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.
About Jane Thistlethwaite
Jane Thistlethwaite worked as a volunteer in the Art Department at Norwich Castle Museum and had a lifelong passion for the visual arts. This fund has been set up by friends and relatives in her memory to enable others to explore new opportunities, carry out research and encourage learning in the visual arts.
One or two bursaries are awarded each year of up to £2,000 each.
Who is eligible to apply?
Students in the UK or members of staff (including volunteers) working in or with registered East Anglian Museums and Galleries.
Post Graduate students of any institution are also able to apply.
What will the Fund support?
The Fund will support up to 50% of total project costs up to a maximum of £1,000 towards one or more of the following:
- Travel and subsistence costs
- Materials costs
- Exhibition/presentation/documentation/report costs
- Equipment costs
- Training costs
Please note that match funding must be obtained.
Grant Criteria
- The grant must be part of a planned programme of activity with a defined outcome such as an exhibition, a piece of research, a commission, a catalogue
- The project can be a stand-alone project or part of a larger project
- The project must demonstrate that it will be of relevance to or of benefit to the communities of Norfolk, Suffolk or Cambridgeshire
- The project must demonstrate how it will improve public knowledge and enjoyment of visual art
- The project must be completed within a defined timescale, to be agreed with the trustees.
Application Process
- Download the application form from the bottom of this page with your request
- Applications must be submitted online to the email address [email protected]
- Applications are considered once a year and must be submitted to the Bursary Administrator by the end of January each year
- Successful applicants will be notified of award decisions before the start of the academic year following their application.
- Successful applicants will be invited to discuss their project with the Committee
Successful awards - Conditions
- All applicants must submit a written report at the end of their project which may be used in the FNM Newsletter
- Receipts must be provided as proof of expenditure
- The Fund Committee must be notified of any public events carried out as part of the project
- The Jane Thistlethwaite Arts Travel Bursary must be credited on any publicity material, reports, exhibitions, books, publications
- Please note that bursary money will not be available before your project is completed.
Past Bursary Subjects: